Our Motley Intelligence Platform
provides synthesized insights instantly

Market intelligence
More value

Get more value from the data you have

Accessible and trustworthy

Know how the answer was derived and trustworthy it is

Proritize accuracy

All your teams will access the same single source of truth

Data rigor

Data rigor and relevancy vetted by trained analysts

Aside from just answering general
questions, our tool specializes in...

Information Audits
Evaluates and summarizes all data sources and reports available about a given topic. Ideal for researchers and insights analysts. Output is similar to an annotated literature review.
Information audits
Automated Reporting
Load your own template and instantly fill it in with annotated information. Ideal for recurring read-outs that require narrative, not just a data dump.
Automated Reporting
Market Share & Size
Calculates a highly accurate view of market share and size synthesized from a variety of sources, alleviating bias from singular, narrow methodologies.
Market Share calculation
Ready to learn more?
Begin your journey now and unlock endless possibilities.
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Motley Custom Research
We offer highly cost effective custom market research services to supplement your data and increase the fidelity of insights given by the platform.
Market research
We offer a network of vetted research partners so you can see plenty of options before deciding on your project
Interested in being a partner vendor? Contact us